So. Let me just say right now that I failed to document this event. This picture of my lovely, wonderful grandmother and my papa is the only one I took. Having an art show threw me into a sort of autopilot stasis state of weird. But! I hear it went well and was well attended and folks had a good time. Success! I brought in pickles and preserves and crackers and bread and they were destroyed within minutes of people’s arrival. I think the show was largely attended by friends (thank you friends!) but it was somehow still too chaotic for me to keep track of. Sam played a wonderful set, including a Lady Gaga song (pumped!), Matt Wilson was fantastic, you could tell from the way Hiram was beaming at him the entire time (and he played Eyepennies!), and Zach, of course, was lovely. I’m kind of having a “never again” feeling about the whole thing, but I figure I’ll just keep on keepin on regardless. Anyhow, I went back to Meta today and took a few pictures of the show and here they are!