Hello friends and strangers!
As you may or may not know, Google recently announced that they will be removing the social functions of their really super amazing RSS reader. This comes as a huge loss to me and several of my friends who, while we recognize the use of social media networks like Twitter and Facebook, don’t necessarily pay a whole lot of attention to them or manually curate our feeds on those sites. Google Reader has been a totally different story. Where some people have hundreds of followers on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+, many only have a handful on Reader, and none of us (that I know of) publicly advertise our Reader feed. This has allowed a good lot of us to keep track of an amazing amount of information that we wouldn’t normally have time to sift through, pulling the best of the articles in science, politics, art, music, and yes, internet memes, out of our friends’ shared feeds and then reshare them with many of you in our other social networks. Well. Not anymore. Most of us are returning to our personal blogs or tumblrs and sending it out into the other networks via robots. It will be a sad loss of a very tight and tiny community for us, and though it may not be as obvious, for anyone following us in another site since it means the loss of those other curated feeds.
While talking to friends of mine about this, the most natural move has been to go back to (or in my case, start) a tumblr page. So, a couple of days ago I set one up, then realized that probably a lot of people didn’t even know about Reader, or the curated feeds, or maybe even what a feed is, and then it occurred to me that since I don’t really market myself ever, probably a lot of you don’t realize I have a Facebook page now, or a Twitter account, or basically anything. SO. Here it is. The breakdown of all the social media networks I send stuff out to and what you can expect to find there.
tumblr: Tear Those Mountains Down – all the articles and pictures I see that I love, as well as links to my own articles on art, food, or the book industry.
RSS: There are a lot of these to choose from-
- This Site (Art and Updates)
- Bramblings (Food Writing)
- News This Week (Book Industry News)
- Tear Those Mountains Down (Things I like + All Other Feeds)
twitter: Little Isobel – this account is mostly run by robots. If you don’t like the other networks, this one will tell you when I’ve done something new on this site or on Bramblings. Occasionally I retweet some food related thing or recipe from some other twitter user.
Facebook: Little Isobel – this account isn’t run by robots yet, but it will be. For now, you can get updates on my personal articles here, once it is automated it will repost all the tumblr information straight to my Facebook page.
Google+: Janina Larenas – this account isn’t run by robots yet either, but it will be soon, and then it will be just like the Facebook page.
So, now you have it. All the ways you can see what I’m up to and what I like. Goodbye Reader, I will miss your anti-social features tremendously.